G.R. No. L-39248. May 07, 1976


The case revolves around an increase in the area of land originally registered under the Original Certificate of Title No. 5609 and later under various Transfer Certificates of Title in the names of the heirs of Luisa Villa Abrille. The increase, totaling 82,127 square meters, was adjacent to the Davao River and allegedly took place a long time ago. The Republic of the Philippines, represented by the Director of Lands, filed a civil action for annulment of the certificate of title against the Estate of Luisa Abrille and others.

Parties involved

Contentions of proceedings

Supreme court decision

In conclusion, the case underscores the importance of adhering to legal procedures in land registration, and the improper inclusion of an increased area via a subdivision plan was found to be invalid. The Supreme Court's ruling upheld the cancellation of the transfer certificates of title covering the increased area, requiring proper registration proceedings to be followed.

Important dates

Titles and derivatives


Supreme Court of the Philippines. (1976). Villa Abrille, et al. v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. L-39248. Retrieved from https://lawphil.net/judjuris/juri1976/may1976/gr_39248_1976.html